Head Coach: Tyson Black
Contact: tysonmblack10@gmail.com
Authorized Players Only on the Floor - Coaches Responsibility
Players are not to be on the floor during a scheduled game or practice without helmets. Nobody other than coaches/managers are allowed on the floor during games or practices. ONLY registered players on said team are able to be there. NO SIBLINGS ARE TO BE ALLOWED TO JOIN PRACTICES UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY EXECUTIVE. This is an insurance issue so please remind your parents. Only scorekeepers/timekeepers are allowed in the scorekeepers box only. Absolutely no children to be in there during games!
Cheering - please remember that you as the scorekeeper/timekeeper are supposed to be impartial so try and keep any cheering to a dull roar. It doesn’t look good when the scorekeeper is jumping up and down when his/her team scores.
NO “WALL BALL” in any part of the arenas. If you see someone, please ask them to stop. We have been billed for damage in the past from “wall ball”.