Lacrosse is a fast physical game encompassing specific skills, agility, team work, physical conditioning, discipline, trust and respect.
We are committed to continually exceed the expectations of our players, parents, coaches, referees and other stakeholders in providing a happy, healthy and safe environment for all participants in our lacrosse program.
It is our ultimate hope that by participating in this great game, our players will become better people, better sportspersons, better team mates, and better citizens.
Some of the basics:
This is directed to people new to lacrosse or to those looking to learn the basics of the game.
Although box lacrosse is very complimentary to hockey it really is more similar to basketball. The main similarities and differences are as follows:
-Like basketball and unlike hockey to some degree the game of lacrosse involves a full team offence. There are no defensemen in lacrosse (Please don’tencourage your player to stand at the blue line like a hockey defenseman).
-The 5 offensive players are referred to as left creasemen (like left wing in hockey), left comermen (like left defense in hockey), right creasemen (right wing), right cornermen (right defense) and point (centre).
- Like basketball, there is no offside nor icing. This keeps the pace of the game moving very quickly. There are rules, regulations and features that are unique to lacrosse . Many other rules are the same as in hockey.
-There is always a face-off after a goal (a goal is counted if the ball goes directly into the net off the goalie’s helmet or face mask). After a penalty, or when the ball strikes the goalie in the helmet area, there will be change of possession only, and not a face off.
-Checking from behind will be dealt with severely as it is one of the leading potential injury factors. Checking is an important part of the game but checking from behind and violent checks into the boards will result in penalties and/or suspensions.
-Players, or goalies out of their crease, will be penalized if they catch the ball in the hand. If they just contact it with the hand it is possession to the other team.
-Face-offs are taken with the open face of the stick facing your own net. The ball must come out of the 2’ small face-off circle before other players can enter the larger circle. An offence against this does not cause another face-off as in hockey, it results in immediate possession to the other team.
-When a team is shorthanded, they have 10 seconds to get the ball into the attacking zone (the offensive restraining line) and once over cannot go back, or change of possession occurs. When a player is awarded possession by the referee he must be given at least 9 feet of room by the defending player until the whistle signifies restarting of play.
-If 2 players are going after a "loose" ball they must play the ball and not check the other player until they have possession. The referee will call a possession change against the player that does not play the ball, but plays the other player.
- Another big difference between hockey and Lacrosse involves the goalie’s crease. If you go into the other team’s crease to shoot or cut through it, you loose possession. If you go through the other team’s crease to make a check or you touch the goalie while he is in his crease it results in a penalty. If you are pushed into the crease you are OK but you must make every effort to get out ASAP.
-You cannot pass the ball into the crease. Your goalie or player has 5 seconds to get the ball out of the crease after stopping and gaining control of it; he must have both feet out to be considered out and once out, he or any other player, cannot go back in or through. You can pass to the goalie as much as you want if he is out of the crease. The goalie in Lacrosse can function just like any other player (remember, there is no centre red line for off side purposes and a goalie can go anywhere on the floor).